Camel Back Mountain, Pheonix Arizona

About a month ago I was fortunate enough to travel to Phoenix, Arizona to dance with one of my favorite recording artists, Kalomira. While there I of course had to find a way to work out. I looked around and saw nothing but mountains and said to my fellow dancer, “WE ARE HIKING!” And we did! To my suprise, hiking was one of the most difficult, scary and rewarding experiences of my life! Not only was I half terrified of the climb/hike of one of Pheonix’s most famous mountains but I was also ELATED to see such beauty of the landscapes around me. Getting to the top of that mountain was so difficult, I was literally rock climbing, but I was so happy I did it because the view from the top was breathtaking! If you ever find yourself in a place where you can climb a mountain, DO IT! Because not many people can say they have and it is an amazing and unique workout experience! I even danced on top of it! Below I will share with you some of the awesome pictures I took from Camelback Mountain!





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